Page 59 - Phonebox July 2013
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On the 5th June our speaker, John M Cornwall brought together his passion for  owers and photography with a talk and slideshow of the pictures he had taken at RHS Wisley a few years ago. Many of the slides were of the more exotic species grown in the three climatic zones within the Glasshouse at Wisley. These being the tropical, the moist temperate and the dry temperate habitats. Others slides pictured border plants and plants grown in and around water, with the inclusion of a little wildlife. John also gave us the bene t of his experience and knowledge on the taking of such stunning pictures with regard to light, position and angle. He was warmly thanked for his interesting and colourful presentation.
Tea, scrumptious cake and scones, made by our President Judi Boardman followed, greatly appreciated by all.
Winners of the competition: A Flower Arrangement in an Eggcup were, 1st: Lou Rice, Joint 2nd: Janet Millwood and Judi Boardman, Joint 3rd: Trish Brock and Marie Marler.
Raf e prizes were won by: Ann Cottrell, Jan Grif ths, Sheila Wells, Carol Button and Janet Millwood.
Olney WI meets on the  rst Wednesday of the month in Room 4 of the Olney Centre, commencing at 7.30pm. Do come along and join us, a warm welcome awaits you from our Committee and Members. See Diary Dates for July meeting in the Live and Local section.
Newport Pagnell Annual Town Council is delighted to announce that, after many months of work, the Green Park Community Centre has been transferred, lock, stock and barrel to the Town Council. Although Milton Keynes Council previously owned the asset, the Town Council has been running the Community Centre since it was built well over a decade ago.
Milton Keynes Council is now considering transferring a number of its leisure assets to other interested parties. The Green Park Community Centre was one of  ve pilot projects of asset transfers, and its successful transfer will pave the way for more transfers in the future.
The Town Council now looks forward to refurbishing the Green Park Community Centre, which will improve it for residents in the area and all users. There are many activities already taking place at the centre, from keep  t and yoga classes to fun activities such as carpet bowls for the (not so very) aged. Why not see if there is a class that meets your needs on our website
Newport Pagnell Events
For some time now our club has been very focussed on Olney despite belonging to both towns. This is simply a quirk of circumstance as we had a membership of approx 50:50 but time appears to have taken its toll of Newport members rather than those in Olney.
All that is about to change however, as our growing club and increasing number of friends has given us the confidence to begin a revival in Newport.
The first thing we are becoming involved with is the Newport Pagnell Carnival. Short on numbers for such a large event, the Carnival Committee approached us to see if we could help out and, bearing in mind our objective of becoming more involved in the town, we were only too pleased to be able to provide support.
A contingent of Lions and our friends will be helping the Carnival Committee look after the entry gates on Saturday 6th July and we hope that our experience helping at the Olney Fireworks display will be of use at Carnival.
Gifts Goodies and Crafts
Building on our experiences of running our Craft Fayres here in Olney, we are taking the plunge and testing the water for some similar events in Newport Pagnell.
The first of three events we will be running at the Newport Pagnell United Reform Church during the year is Gifts, Goodies and Crafts. As the title suggests, this will have general gifty type items on sale and will be taking place on 20th July from 10.00am–4.00pm. Entry is free so there really isn’t a reason for not popping in to see what is going on. Have a look at our website for details of the other two events or keep an eye on the town notice board and shop windows.
Motorama 2013
Over 100 classic cars and 40+ Model T Fords headed into Olney on 8th June to take part in our annual Motorama event in the Market Place and surrounding streets.
This was our best day yet both in terms of the number of vehicles turning out and the volume of visitors who came along to look longingly at the car of their dreams. The weather even decided to support us by staying dry.
This sort of event can only take place thanks to the help of many people including Olney Town Council, our many sponsors and our group of friends who joined us to take some of the pressures off. We mustn’t forget our special man of mystery guest who came along to help our fundraising. Thanks to Stig and all our other supporters, at the time of writing this article, we anticipate over £1000 will be shared between Hearing Dogs for Deaf People and Macmillan Cancer Support, the two charities we have chosen to support, this year.
No doubt there will be plenty of photos elsewhere in Phonebox but we think that this one sums up the day as one which the entire family can enjoy.
Have a look at our website for loads of photos of the day and to find out if the car you voted for won the Public’s Car of the Day.
And Finally
You can see from the events we are involved in just how vital our Friends of Lions have become. Now numbering 40 people, these individuals have no desire to become a member of the Lions club but they do believe in the work which we do and are quite willing to give some time when they are free, to help us out. We even invite them to many of our social events so it is not all work and no play!
If you would like to add your support, simply let us add your email address and or contact details to our list and we will let you know when we need help. Remember, you respond only when it is suitable for you to join us. If you would like to be one of our friends, then please simply visit our website and use the contact us page to give us your contact details. No email? Just have a chat with one of our members next time you see us in action.
Phonebox Magazine 59

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