Page 22 - Phonebox Magazine December 2016
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Live and Local
Bedford Floral Art Society
Tuesday every month, entrance via the side extension. Craft activities are provided - this month we will be making a willow Christmas wreath, and decorating it with seasonal items. If you prefer you can bring along your own crafts to do- knitting, crochet etc. Refreshments are provided, there is no charge for attending, but donations towards the cost of materials are appreciated. Everyone welcome. For more information call 01234 712540 or 01234 240788
Age UK Milton Keynes Information & Advice Service
@Age UK shop, Olney High St
6, 13, 20, 27 December, Tuesday, 10am- 12:30
The Age UK Information & Advice service runs from the interview room at the shop on Olney High St. The service is open on Tuesdays, 10am-12:30pm. If you are over 55 and need friendly, free, con dential, independent information or advice, make an appointment with the shop desk staff. You can give them a call on 01234 240582 or 01234 712334 (Tuesday mornings only) or just drop in.
Memory Cafe
@Westbury Grange/The Limes, Westbury Lane, Newport Pagnell
7 December, Wednesday, 10am- 12noon
First Wednesday of every month. A warm welcome & support is extended to all people living with dementia and their carers/friends. £1.50 for tea/coffee, cake and a raf e. For more information, call 01908 210322.
Rotary Club of Newport Pagnell
@The Swan Revived Hotel, Newport Pagnell
7, 14, 21, 28 December, Wednesday,
6:45 for the meal, or 8pm for the meeting.
Dual gender dining club, having a meal is optional. Meals take place in the restaurant, and the meeting follows. For more details, visit: or call Roger Simmons (President) 01908 374833.
Alpine Garden Society, Bedfordshire branch
7 November, Monday, 7.30 for 8.00pm @Wilstead Village Hall, Cotton End Road, Wilstead, MK45 3BX
Tony Goode, a very practical and hands-on gardener from Norwich will be speaking on ‘A Crocus for all seasons’. They really are not just for Spring come and nd out about the possibilities! Plant sales, plant exhibits and refreshments. Visitors very welcome £3
North Buckinghamshire Decorative and Fine Arts Society
@Lovat Hall, Newport Pagnell
8 December, Thursday, 10.15am Carole Petipher - The Ups and Downs in the lives of the Impressionists along the Seine, known as ‘the Cradle of Impressionism’
Carole Petipher is a guide and lecturer on combined history/art tours in France. Life aboard river vessels on various French rivers offered the chance to explore and further research certain riverside locations linked to art. She also works with NADFAS groups as a private guide for a privately owned stately home in the UK.
The Speckled Band Book Club
@The British Legion Club, Ousebank Street, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8AN
8 December, Thursday, 8pm
We’re a local book club specialising in
literary ction and modern classics. We meet on the 2nd Thursday each month. New members & regulars are welcome. For more information, visit SpeckledBandBookClub
Newport Pagnell Women’s Institute
@Room at the rear of the Methodist Church
8 November, Tuesday, 7:30pm
Craft Corner – demonstration and participation in different crafts. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Do come and join us; we’d love to see you. For further information please call Evelyn Mison on 01908 615630 or just turn up on the night.
Hooked on Books Club
10 December, Saturday, 11:30am- 12:30pm
Are you between 7-11 years old?
Do you enjoy books? If yes, then this is the club for you! Join the fun at Lydia’s ‘Hooked on Books’ Club - a free monthly club with lots of book-related activities including games, crafts and more! December will be book character dress- up and Christmas stories. In support of the local Library, a silver coin donation to the Olney Library donation box is suggested when you attend. Come along & join any date for a trial or for more details, email
Christmas Coffee Morning
@Addison Centre, Kempston
6 December, Tuesday. 7.30pm
Janet Cooper presents ‘Christmas Creations’. Raffle of arrangements. Visitors £7. Everyone welcome. www. bedford
Olney Jazz Club
@Carlton House Club, Olney
6 December, Tuesday, 8.00pm
Jazz vocalist Suzanne Mellard with the New Standards Trio. Tel 01234 711348. All tickets are great value, and you can get them from Phonebox Magazine Of ce (Unit 2, Stanley Court, Olney), or the Carlton House Club (High St, Olney). £12 on the door or £10 in advance. Don’t forget to book separately if you would like to eat.
Newport & District Probus Club
@Olney Library (and garden when sunny)
@Carlton House Club, Olney
6 December, Tuesday, 12:15
Christmas Lunch - Members and Guests. Club meets on the rst Tuesday of every month for a buffet lunch followed by an interesting speaker. More information from Val Menzies 01234 713563.
Milton Keynes Computer User Club
@Newport Pagnell Royal British Legion, High Street, MK16 8AN
6, 13, 20, 27 December, Tuesday, 7.00 - 8:30pm
Every Tuesday. £10 annual membership and the club will x your computer for you. Visit for more information.
Craft Group
@Olney Baptist Church, Market Place, Olney.
6, 20 December, Tuesday, 1.30pm- 3.30pm
The group meets the first and third
@120 Harrold High Street
10 December, Saturday, 10am - noon
Harrold United Reformed Church Christmas Coffee morning with homemade cakes, cards, books, raf e, Fairtrade stall, Forever Living products & more! Come and join us for coffee and buy your mincepies in good time for Christmas. Free entry.
Take a Step into the Past
Playing Santa? Give presents that are different!
Ranging from the 1800s to 1960s we have: Newspaper and Magazines, Prints and Posters, Autographs, Adverts, Programmes, Comics and much much more.
It’s worth a visit!
Ken’s Paper Collectables
29 High Street, Newport Pagnell MK16 8AR
Proprietors Joyce & Ken Graham: Established 1983
9.30am to 5pm Mon - Fri. Sat 9.30 to 4pm. Closed all day Thurs & Sun Telephone 01908 210683 (Normal Business Hours)
Web Site Ken’s Paper Collectables: E-Mail
Pay us a visit......soon
CLASSES IN OLNEY Contact Alexia for details
07795 547431
Tuesday 6.30 - 7.30pm Wednesday 9.15 - 10.15am Thursday 7.00 - 8.00pm
£5 per class
£3 students & U18’s
Required for work in a well established Mediterranean restaurant
Hours: Mon – Sat 11am to 3pm
Call 01234 714 600
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22 Phonebox Magazine | December 2016
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