Churches Together Newport Pagnell Letter From A Minister To Hell and Back oing to hell? We hear that phrase Gcasually thrown around when something has gone downhill and isn't as we expect it should be. In the past month I have heard this phrase used to describe people ' s thoughts about the sorry state of customer service, the bickering of politicians,andthe changingnatureofBritish society. In all cases , those speaking were frustratedandworried bychangestheysaw in the world around them. Yes, the world does change and yes, it can be scary. As for those things going to hell, I am doubtful. However, I do know someone who has gone to hell and come back. That sounds amazing and miraculous , but it is true. Jesus faced unreliable friends, an unruly mob , and a death-sentence. The church 's tradition is that on the day between when we mark Jesus' death and when we celebrate his resurrection we remember that Jesus visited hell. Now I don 't think hell is an actual physical place, but if it is the worst place you can imagine then knowing Jesus goes there and invites us to leave and start again is what the promise of Easter is about. In pictures this was traditionally portrayed as Jesus standing upon two crossed boards at the gates of hell stretching his arms out to rescue and welcome those who reached out, into God's loving embrace. The Easter story, which Christians will celebrate on the 20th of April this year , shows us that Jesus went to hell and back. He took the worst life could throw at him and yet he still triumphed . My faith points me to a God who understands our frustration and pain and has overcome them. This gives us hope for the future and hope for our lives. It isn't an easy promise that we won't face hardships, illness, disappointment and death but rather it is a promise that the God of love will be present with us in all of life and even in death. God loves each of us as we are and we can't travel too far for God to reach us. No matter where you find yourself, God reaches out to embrace us all. PS If you find hope in Jesus going to hell and back, I encourage you to join in an Easter celebration at a local church. GOODFRIDAYPROCESSIONA D OPEN-AIRSERVICE -- Good Friday is the day on which Christians commemorate the death of Jesus on the cross . It is the culmination of Holy Week which begins with Palm Sunday and it takes place two days before Easter Sunday which is when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus . On Good Friday Christians from all the churches in Newport Pagnell come together for a procession down the High Street and an open-air service to mark this special day in the Christian calendar. This year Good Friday falls on 18th April and the proceedings will start at 12 noon outside the Parish Church beginning with readings and a hymn. The procession will then make its way down the High Street to Market Hill with 'Jesus' carrying his cross accompanied by two Roman centurions. The open-air service and drama will continue on Market Hill with readings , prayers and singing. Towards the end of the service 'Jesus' will be led away for crucifixion. After the final readings the people will depart in silence. Do come and join us for this moving service. It reminds us that Easter is not just about chocolate eggs! For details about the times of other services in the Newport Pagnell churches during Holy Week and Easter weekend , look on our 'Churches Together' website at www .uk We would love you to join us at any of our services! Blessings,Rev.MindyBellMethodist Minister • Do you have enough customer s? • Do you want a dire ct appro ach to gain more custom ers? • Belle Casa leaflet distribution is part of the Bell e Casa Group . v\eknow how hard it is to find new clients, this is where we can help . • Weofferaguarantee ,yesthatiscorrect.That wewill deliver your leaflets to your specified areas. • All our distributor s carry GPS tra ckers - and that is only half of it!! • You as the custom er can check via our system when your leaflet has been delivered. • v1⁄2.nttoknowmore?Calluson01604696147todiscuss how we can help you drive your business to the next level. • Wejust offer straight fonvard talking and straight forward pri cing. • Checkoutourprices:- uk Phonebox Magazine 73