Sensory Garden St Peter and St Paul's ff to a great start are St Peter and 0 St Paul 's SoulTime community users of the Church Hall, such as the SoulTime memory club , the nursery and others with particular needs , such as the frail and vulnerable , those with restricted mobility, and those who struggle with the environment, perhaps on the Autism spectrum." The Rev Wood invited those who would like to know more, or felt they might be able to volunteer in the garden's development or could support the project in any other way, to contact her through the church office , phone : 01234 241 721. projects in the refurbished church hall. "Truly uplifting" is how the cafe run by Secondary School pupils on Thursdays during school time has been described, and equally popular is the Memory Club for those suffering from memory loss. Now the SoulTime Team under the dynamic leadership of Re v Claire Wood, Rector of Olney, has identif ied another need - for a sensory garden . "We would like to provide a garden in our town in which people can rest or engage with the environment," she said in an interview. The Rev Wood said that behind the hall was an area which the team were developing into just such a garden . It had already been cleared and plans were being drawn up, with the first section designed to provide a place for the frail to sit and enjoy the benefits of a garden, and the second section to provide a place of peace and interaction with the environment. Special plants and natural environmental supports such as bee homes, bug farms and plantsthatstimulate sensesofsight,smell, soundandtouch werealltobeincorporated. "Several groups have been identified as beneficiaries," she said. "Some are already Olney Dementia Project Cobb's Garden Surgery his project is being carried out by TCobbs Garden Surgery to make Olney a dementia friendly town. The aim of the Olney Dementia Project is to work with businesses, communities and schools so that people with dementia can live their lives to the full with the support of the community. On March 8th the Olney Centre hosted a Dementia Awareness Day where local businesses show- cased their contribution to helping those with dementia. Phonebox Magazine 51