Page 66 - Phonebox Magazine November 2014
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New Unbeatable Offer At Olney Osteopathic Surgery
FREE 15 minute nutritional/naturopathic consultation and the
option of 2 treatments for the special price of £96.00
Nutrition is a key aspect of health. The foods we eat are broken down by the body, into their smallest parts. These smaller components are used as the building blocks for the repair and maintenance of all the cells of our body. Thus, what we choose to eat every time we have a meal, is so important to our overall wellbeing. Our choice of foods determines the integrity of our cells, the architecture of our bones, the strength of our muscles, and so much more. The old adage ‘you are what you eat’ comes into its own. With this in mind, you can see how much power you have to determine your own outcome.
But, wait a minute...
What is a good diet? What is ‘healthy’ food? Where do you get nutritional advice? Who really knows what they are talking about?
The origins of naturopathy are antiquated (since about 400BC). Clinical nutrition incorporating naturopathic principles were employed in the 18th Century in Europe. Our compendious aim is to provide an environment to permit the body’s own healing abilities. And, at a time when the NHS is overwhelmed, it is more imperative that we take control of our own welfare. Olivia has a wealth of knowledge in naturopathic nutrition. She is keen to promote this service in Olney on Wednesday afternoons and Friday mornings.
So, if you are a long term sufferer of repetitive COUGHS & COLDS, MIGRAINE, ACNE, FEMALE HEALTH PROBLEMS, CHRONIC DISORDERS, ARTHRITIS, DIGESTIVE DISORDERS, LOWERED IMMUNITY (the list goes on), fed up with how you are feeling, give us a call and, maybe together we can create a bespoke plan with nutritional advice to help towards a better lifestyle.
Olney Osteopathic Surgery
Fiona Cockings-Mason D.O, M.R.O. Director B. Olivia Munnelly BSc. (Hons) Ost. DO MRN
Naturopathy Sports Rehab Baby & Childrens Clinic
Reflexology Acupuncture Cranial Osteopathy
Est. 1984
Tel: 01234 712 003
See us at E:
First Floor, 9 High Street, Olney, Bucks, MK46 4EB
Physiotherapy for Shoulder Pain
Hello, I am Eileen Lewis, I have a BSc in Physiotherapy and also am a qualified Acupuncturist with over 20 years experience. This month I am going to cover shoulder pain.
Problems with the shoulder may cause pain in the upper arm, the shoulder blade, neck or the shoulder joint itself. Stiffness and sometimes pins and needles in the hand or arm may also be experienced. The symptoms may be of sudden onset, as a result of injury, or more often of slow onset with no history of trauma. Shoulder pain of slow onset, can be caused by performing repetitive tasks, or continually adopting poor postural habits.
There are many structures around the shoulder joint that may cause pain. Symptoms may originate
from the tendons of the surrounding muscles or the bursa, causing restriction and pain with specific movements such as reaching forwards, out to the side whilst lifting, or above shoulder height whilst reaching for something. The capsule of the shoulder joint may be the source of symptoms, sometimes it becomes contracted restricting movement and causing pain commonly known as a Frozen Shoulder. Arthritis around the shoulder joint causing degeneration and extra bone to be laid down may also cause symptoms.
Physiotherapy treatment may involve advice on ergonomics, posture, returning to sport or everyday activities, mobilizing or strengthening exercises, joint mobilizations, soft tissue massagetype work, ultrasound or acupuncture.
So if you have shoulder pain and these symptoms sound all too familiar, then give me a call on 01234 881 400 have a look at my website or email me, I look forward to helping you.
01234 881400
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