Page 26 - Phonebox Magazine November 2015
P. 26

Olney Ward Councillors Corner
Cllr Keith McLean
Cllr Peter Geary
Cllr David Hosking
could help to deliver a long term vision for Milton Keynes. Working on current levels of growth that could mean on average 1,750 new homes delivered every year. If that continued over the next 50 years, it could see 87,500 homes built alongside all the associated infrastructure, jobs, schools and community facilities. The expansion is on a scale not seen since Milton Keynes was first established and four options have been developed.
The Strategic Development Options consultation document will ask for your views on a series of development options that have come directly from the outputs of the Vision Workshops.
Option 1 - Development to the West, South West and/or South of the City
This proposal includes developing the city in a similar way to the current developments in an arc from the west to the south of the city.
Option 2 - Development East of the M1
This proposal is not new and has been discussed in the past. Development on the other side of the motorway under this option could deliver in the region of 26,000 homes and would involve some development in Central Bedfordshire. This would most likely “wash over” the villages of Moulsoe, North Crawley and Salford. This option would need links across the motorway to be put into place for it to work effectively and the preliminary work on these proposals has not been done as yet.
Option 3 - One or more Satellite Settlements
This has the most impact for the rural areas and would involve satellite settlements around six centres in the north of the Borough. This option includes the town of Olney and the villages of Sherington, North Crawley, Moulsoe, Hanslope and Castlethorpe. These are locations that were suggested at the Vision Workshops. Some or all of these sites could be developed with between 5,000 and 10,000 homes (for context, the town of Olney currently has around 2,500 homes). At present no plans have been made to the extent of the development and which areas of land would be built upon and which would not be. Also, a limited amount of work has been done on the infrastructure that would be needed to link the new settlements to Milton Keynes, including bridges across the physical barriers of the M1 and the River Ouse. By the
Plan:MK – Milton Keynes Council’s New Local Plan
This month we are devoting our whole column to the consultation that is due to start on Plan:MK during November. In the past, Milton Keynes planning has only indirectly affected the rural areas. However this time some of the proposals have a direct effect on this area and it is important that everyone knows about this and understands the potential ramifications of the proposals, engages with it and responds to the consultation. Plan:MK will be the new local plan for Milton Keynes that will guide the way that the Borough develops in the 15 years after it is adopted. It will set out the vision and
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the development strategy for the whole of the Borough and include the policies that will guide the developments. This plan will replace the current Core Strategy and the saved policies in the existing Local Plan. The next stage of consultation is due to be considered by the Cabinet on 9th November where they will most likely agree a consultation that will start on 25th November for 12 weeks ending on Wednesday 17th February.
The first stage of the Plan:MK process was consultation on a number of Topic Papers at the end of last year and a series of Vision Workshops held in Spring 2015, attended by a wide range of stakeholders from across the Borough. These workshops have been used to form development options that
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Option 3 Draft Map
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