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                                    22 Phonebox Magazine | October 2024 MK ConnectThe Rural Pilot is coming to an end and Milton Keynes City Council (MKCC) offi cers have decided not to extend the trial period; the reason provided was the additional cost would be too much. This means that from Monday October 7th the service will revert to its original mode of operation so riders will once again be able to book journeys across the artifi cial boundary of the M1.Offi cers have stated that the data gathered during the Pilot shows it was a success. However, they reported that the previous 11 %u2018power%u2019 users of the service have been replaced by another cohort of 11 %u2018power%u2019 users. This indicates that people who previously used the service ceased doing so; they might return with the reversion to the original service scope. It will be interesting to monitor if the new %u2018power%u2019 users remain as such with the reversion. The next step is for MKCC to invite tenders for a new service from April 2025.Verge Cutting and Litter PickingReaders will recall that in last month%u2019s article, Keith reported MKCC had written to him with the statement, %u201cThe new contract is enshrined with %u2018contractor shall not cut litter%u2019.%u201d Keith knew that this had not been adhered to, so he cycled along several roads in the Ward and collected a few examples of plastic bottles, cans and packaging that had obviously been cut when the verge was mowed. At a meeting with the Director of Property and Environment held in early September, Keith laid the collection on the desk, emphasising that this was a very small sample of the debris on the verges. The Director agreed to investigate why this had occurred.Unfortunately, the litter picking on the A roads in the Ward remains to be undertaken, and no date has been provided as to when this will occur. This is a case of watch this rubbish rather than watch this space!New City Plan ConsultationA fi nal reminder that the draft New City Plan (NCP) is being consulted upon until 5pm on 9th October. The consultation can be found at We attended the meetings of the parish councils that met in September and we are aware they will be submitting their views, however as we have written before it is important to make your views known about any aspect of the draft Plan. Do not leave it to others; your views matter!Planning ApplicationsFollowing a query raised by residents of Lavendon asking why an application had been determined by a Planning Offi cer as a delegated decision rather than be decided by a Planning Committee or Panel when residents had raised several objections, we asked managers in the Development Management department to review the process. The response was that for an application to be determined by a Planning Panel or Committee, objectors must specifi cally request this method of determination. For Minor Applications, 5 diff erent households must object, and for Major applications, 20 households must object. In the past, we believed offi cers only took account of the number of objections rather than insisting that a specifi c request be included in each objection. We are seeking clarifi cation on this.Sad NewsWe end by sharing with you news of the sudden death on Saturday, 14th September, of Robin Bradburn, the Liberal Democrat Leader of MKCC. Robin was a very conscientious councillor who was well-liked by his fellow councillors. He was passionate about Milton Keynes, and on many occasions, he delivered emotive speeches about the city and his views of the then-Conservative government. Robin%u2019s wife Marie is currently Mayor of Milton Keynes, and their daughter Kerrie is also a city councillor. Robin%u2019s death will play on the Council and its meetings for a very long time.Olney Ward Councillor Corner CONTACT DEBBIE:Tel: 07494 681907 / ward surgeries are every Tuesday, 10am-12pm at the Olney Centre. No need to book, just pop along.Cllr Debbie WhitworthHighways and road markings If Give Way markings are faded, an inspection can be arranged, and if necessary, the Highways Department can help. The details will be added to a list of locations being included in a programme of lining refreshes taking place from autumn onwards.%u00a0Can residents let me know as soon as possible of any locations that have faded markings? I will add them to my list before submitting it to Milton Keynes City Council.In the new highways contract, MKCC will have a lining crew available, and within the budget set aside, as many faded lines as possible will be refreshed.%u00a0 Parking near schoolsResidents%u2019 concerns continue to be raised over bad or inconsiderate parking at our local schools. I have requested a meeting on site with the road safety offi ce, and one of their offi cers will meet me at the schools that have reported issues to me. In the meantime, increased parking enforcement has been agreed to deter thoughtless parking or stopping.Residents%u2019 and parents%u2019 feedback on the safety work carried out at Yardley Road and the installation of the 20mph zone has been extremely positive, including a %u2018thumbs up%u2019 on the speed bumps there.A 20mph limit has been discussed for Weston Road, and MKCC is considering this in phase 2 of the Olney 20mph proposals, subject to community support. I will report further on this as I receive information.%u2018One Stop%u2019 crossing updateNear misses continue to be reported to me about this crossing, and a new type of sensor to detect these misses has been deployed at the crossing to monitor driver and pedestrian behaviour. Recommendations will be made once data is available. Approach visibility is a major issue which has recently been fl agged up to me, and I can confi rm Highways are looking into all possible solutionsAdditional approach signage might also be needed while the lighting around the crossing is also going to be looked at. Should the sensor indicate alarming levels of near misses, a signal controlled crossing (traffi c lights) will be considered.Housing Allocation SchemeMKCC is reviewing the social rented housing allocation scheme, and residents can comment on proposed changes. Have your say in the consultation before it closes on 2nd December.We seek views on the following:%u2022 Qualifi cation: Criteria for who qualifi es or is disqualifi ed%u2022 Choice: The level of choice individuals have in housing allocation%u2022 Additional Preference: Extra consideration for certain individuals%u2022 Priority: Selection criteria for housing allocationFor full details on the proposed scheme please les/2024-09/ concerns or worriesI%u2019m aware that many residents across the Ward are deeply worried about the Winter Fuel Allowance (WFA) being stopped, and I%u2019ve seen many of you at my surgeries recently who are struggling.I have put together a mini pamphlet that gives advice and contact details not only for pension credit but also for other benefi ts and avenues of support, which I hope will be of use to you. They can be picked up from The Olney Centre at my Tuesday Ward surgery, 10am-12pm, Olney Town Council%u2019s offi ce, the library, or Phonebox Magazine offi ces.Olney WardCouncillor Corner Cllr Keith McLean Cllr Peter GearyKeith: 07983 456081 Peter: 07774 939404 US: Ward Councillors%u2019 surgeryWe will continue to hold our ward councillors%u2019 surgery over the summer as we do every month on the fi rst Friday of the month, at the Olney Centre, from 7pm. Please do drop by if we can help with anything or contact us on the details provided beloKeith McLean - 07983 456081 - Geary %u2013 07774 939404 -
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