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Olney Town Crest

Local Schools

Olney has three Schools for it’s residents. Olney Infant Academy, Olney Middle School and Ousedale Campus.

Olney Town Crest

Olney Infant Academy

Olney Infant Academy
Spinney Hill Road Olney MK46 5AD. Tel 01234 711388 Fax 01234 717067

Headteacher, Sarah Armitage
Chair of Governors, Mrs Sue Davies
SENCO, Mrs Laura Circuitt
Bursar, Mrs Lesley Robinson (Monday to Wednesday)
Administrative Assistant, Mrs Loraine Edwards (all week)
Administrative Assistant - admissions, Mrs Libby Sweeney (Thursday and Friday only)
Trust Contact, IDtL c/o St Marys Wavendon C of E Primary School, Eagle Farm South, MK17 7AA 01908 533 283 www.iftl.co.uk

Term Dates: olneyinfantacademy.co.uk/parents/school-term-dates/
Contact: olneyinfantacademy.co.uk/contact/
Parents Zone: olneyinfantacademy.co.uk/parents/


Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Armitage

Foundation Teachers:
Miss Steph Hartwell - EYFS and Year 1 Leader
Mrs Natalie Baker
Mrs Amelie Laube-Szyplinski
Miss Anastasia younger-grey (Trainee Teacher)

Year 1 Teachers:
Mrs Sharon Steadman
Mrs Emma Twidale
Mrs Sophie Wright

Year 2 Teachers:
Miss Lottie Duncombe - Year 2 Team Leader
Mrs Gill Hardy
Miss Nazmin Begum
Mrs Emilie Simons
Mrs Claire Parish
Mr Matthew Mooney (Trainee Teacher)

Additional Teaching Staff:
Mrs Laura Circuitt - SENDCo (jointly with Olney Middle School)
Mrs Ann Murtagh - Outdoor Learning, Forest School

Higher Level Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Charlotte Bozward
Mrs Adriane Lukic
Mrs Laura Wilkinson

Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Marianne Parker
Mrs Nicola Lay
Mrs Jane Gregory
Mrs Claire Nicholson
Mrs Carly Beaumont

Olney Middle School 01234 711323

Ousedale Secondary School 01908 210203

Olney Middle School

Olney Middle School
Yardley Road, Olney Buckinghamshire MK46
Tel: 01234 711323. After School Club: 07949 530352. Fax: 01234 713289

Headteacher: Mr Glen Young,

Deputy Head Teacher: Heather Lamble

Assistant Headteacher: Tom Billingham

SENDCo and DSL: Laura Circuitt

Business Support Manager: Barbara Tate

Finance Manager: Tracey Wheeler
Office Manager: Carol Bould
Site Manager: Nick Morrow

The Year 3 team from September 2021 are:
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The Year 4 team from September 2021 are:
Stacks Image 86032
The Year 5 team from September 2021 are:
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The Year 6 team from September 2021 are:
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Mrs G Dadswell – 3GD
Miss A Biddlestone - 3AB
Miss S Davies and Mrs M Canepe – 3DC
Mrs L Garfirth – 4LG
Miss R Harper – 4RH
Mr K Dean and Mr M Mooney– 4KM
Miss J Dell – 4JD
Miss C Fawcett and Miss A Sapwell –5SF
Mrs J Bennett and Mrs N Sudds – 5SB
Miss Kent – 5NK
Miss J Henderson – 6JH
Miss K Teagle – 6KT
Miss E Sheaf – 6ES
Mr T Onan-Read - 6TOR

Support Team:
Gerry Broadbent
Elaine Brogan
Andy Cole Brunige
Andrea Colman
Melitta De Koning Csongor
Linda Fisher
Allison Gasper
Kirstin Havenga
Sue Jamison
Sarah Lowe
Linda McCabe Smith
Kate O'Connor
Sharon Scotson
Lunchtime Team:
Donna Mortlock - Kitchen Manager
Jane Blackburn
Cathy Brady
Teresa Coyle
Steph Lee
Heather Maloney
Paul Mortlock
Pat Richardson
Andleeb Sheikh

Chair of Governors:
Sue Davies

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